Would you say Neandrathals are superior to modern humans?
In addition to being much stronger physicaly than a modern man (about 2 or 3 times), they auctualy had a larger brain as well!
They died out since their population never excedded 10,000 and homo sapieans did, but if they hadn't don't you think they would be more worthy of developing civilization than modern humans?
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1 hour ago
I think if we were neandrathals we would probably be somewhat more advanced than we are now, but we would probably be about as weak! (on average!)
44 minutes ago
I'm not saying nautral selection doesn't happen or anything, but you shouldn't view everything so narrow mindedly. Species go extinct for caerian reasons cause they're not adapted for a particular place or situation, so a species that became extinct 30 years ago isn't necissearaly any more advanced than one that became extinct 30,000 years ago, the situation has just changed!