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 Woman accused of microwaving baby

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Number of posts : 151
Age : 63
Registration date : 2008-01-16

Woman accused of microwaving baby Empty
PostSubject: Woman accused of microwaving baby   Woman accused of microwaving baby Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 4:29 am

Woman accused of microwaving baby

A US woman has gone on trial accused of killing her baby daughter by microwaving her.

China Arnold (26), of Dayton, Ohio, is charged with aggravated murder in the August 30th, 2005, death of her month-old daughter, Paris Talley. She has pleaded not guilty.

The coroner concluded that the injuries to the baby could have been caused only by the child being cooked in a microwave oven.

China Arnold told police she was drunk but could not recall doing anything that caused the child's burns, a court heard.

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

At a pretrial hearing, a detective testified that Ms Arnold told him during questioning: "If I hadn't gotten so drunk, I guess my baby wouldn't have died."

He said Ms Arnold told him she arrived home in the early hours after drinking, fell asleep and was woken at 2.30am by the baby's crying. She said she warmed a bottle in the microwave, tried to give it to the baby, changed the child's nappy and then fell asleep on the couch with the baby on her chest.

Ms Arnold said she and her three children - aged seven, six and three - were the only ones in the apartment until her boyfriend arrived several hours later and noticed something was wrong with the baby, the detective said.
This is a very, very sad case..
It hirts me to read or hear anything like this.
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